

《vns6060威尼斯城官网》特别报道| 6分钟阅读| 2021年3月11日

在过去十年里, 金融公司经历了一波又一波vns6060威尼斯城官网交易报告的新规定和修订规定. And more changes will be rolling in over the next few years as nearly all jurisdictional rules for derivatives trade reporting undergo rewrites to adopt industry-recommended standards.

简而言之,遵守报告规则已经成为一个移动的目标. The ordinary challenges of reporting data accurately and efficiently to regulators are compounded by the uncertainty of what new and revised rules will require.

他们的监管报告团队在2021年及以后面临着惊人的工作量, 公司需要考虑如何调整其报告协议和基础设施以适应这种环境. Trade reporting systems built in response to the 2008 financial crisis – whether in-house or outsourced to specialized third-party vendors – deserve a hard look because, 对很多公司来说, 它们可能不再足以以可持续的成本应对当今日益严峻的监管挑战.

The time is ripe for a new model: single-vendor solutions with comprehensive jurisdictional and regulatory coverage. Such solutions support trade repository (TR) and approved reporting mechanism (ARM) submissions and reconciliation by facilitating a variety of pre- and 帖子-reporting activities and keep pace with global rule changes.

存, 全球领先的贸易后加工服务提供商, 正在通过其存报告中心®服务推进这种新模式. 于2020年初推出,并于2020年12月扩展至 存从Publicis Sapient收购合规管理报告系统平台(CMRS), 存报告中心使公司能够管理其全球衍生品, 3月kets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II) and Securities Financing Transactions Regulation (SFTR) pre- and 帖子-trade reporting requirements with a single-vendor solution.


Among the regulations resulting from the 2008 financial crisis were reporting mandates for derivatives transactions. 各司法管辖区在不同时间推出各自的规则,而且没有密切协调. 其结果是:报告格式存在许多差异, trade data elements and other parameters – which are now triggering a new round of rule revisions aimed at increasing standardization across jurisdictions.

This 帖子-crisis global regulatory surge and ongoing failure to harmonize rules from one reporting regime to another has necessitated continual modifications to firms’ technology platforms. 经过十年的补丁来适应一个又一个的新规则或更新, 今天大多数公司的贸易处理和报告基础设施是重复的和低效的.

对于已经发展了自己的报告前和报告后能力的公司, the upcoming rewrites of derivatives rules – which will include adoption of Common Data Elements (CDE) and Unique Product Identifiers (UPI) for reporting – will spur yet more updates to their infrastructure and further burden its already-stressed capacity and functionality.

Evolving regulatory provisions will also necessitate ongoing refinements to firms’ data management and messaging processes. 例如, if, 正如预期的, 监管机构采用ISO 20022衍生品CDE消息方案, trade data will need to be normalized to meet this new standard – tedious work that many firms will likely need help completing.

内部员工的压力, processes and platforms caused by ever changing regulations have led some firms to turn to one or more third-party solutions providers to deliver discrete pre- and 帖子-reporting functionality. But the result can be a patchwork of solutions that are not integrated with one another and require multiple connections.

此外, 使用不同供应商的解决方案可能会剥夺企业的综合性, cross-jurisdictional regulatory coverage they need to manage pre- and 帖子-reporting activities for all reporting regimes, 每一个都有不同的规则. 如果没有统一的解决方案,公司可能会面临更高的合规风险和成本.


鉴于未来贸易报告面临的挑战——包括持续的, 衍生品授权的具体制度变化, the complexity of SFTR reporting and the sheer difficulty of managing trade reporting across multiple asset classes and jurisdictions – a unified, 像存报告中心这样的单一供应商服务套件可以帮助公司降低风险, 提高运营效率,降低与法规报告合规性相关的成本.

对于内部开发解决方案的公司, 转移到存报告中心可以节省大量的员工时间和内部vns6060威尼斯城官网. 存报告中心的单一供应商模型提供了一致性, 当公司使用多个供应商时通常缺少的流线型功能.

存拥有丰富的TR服务经验, having brought the first TRs to market in 2012 and subsequently launching licensed/registered TRs in key markets around the world as part of 存’s Global Trade 存储库 service (GTR). 在过去十年中,它在不断变化的贸易报告格局中导航, 存 came to recognize that firms today could greatly benefit from access to a comprehensive suite of pre-and 帖子-reporting capabilities as well as tools to simplify reporting transactions across jurisdictions and asset classes.


对贸易报告生态系统的深刻理解有助于存报告中心的发展. 存报告中心促进了SFTR和现在的前后报告活动, 通过收购CMRS, 为衍生品和金融工具市场II (MiFID II).

The expansion of the 存报告中心 platform through the CMRS acquisition is a game changer for pre- and 帖子-trade reporting services. 通过提供统一的, 单一供应商的前后报告平台, 公司可以合并多个司法管辖区的报告活动-美国, UK, 欧洲, 加拿大, 以色列, 新加坡, 澳大利亚和香港——并为即将到来的规则补充和变化做好准备. 这种覆盖范围可以帮助公司最大限度地提高运营效率和降低合规风险, 降低成本,解放员工,让他们专注于其他优先事项.



其广泛的预报告服务套件, 存报告中心简化了准备提交给tr或arm的贸易数据所需的复杂工作流程. Starting with data normalization and transformation – including to accommodate the ISO 20022 messaging scheme – this suite provides data enrichment, 管辖权资格分析, 可定制的规则引擎以及高级异常管理和再处理.

存报告中心’s delegated reporting capabilities enable users to submit trades on behalf of clients once they have established the applicable permissions at the receiving TR. 存报告中心用户是否将其对某些交易的报告义务委托给另一家公司, 存报告中心将识别并自动抑制存报告中心用户对此类交易的报告.



除了与贸易登记机构和贸易登记机构对接,以方便贸易提交, 存报告中心还提供了后期报告功能. Its reconciliation tool applies reporting completeness and accuracy checks on TR end-of-day reports against a client’s internal systems. 存报告中心还可以提供广泛的数据分析,帮助公司更好地管理报告的完整性, 准确性和及时性.

即使是像存报告中心这样的解决方案, 公司仍然需要通过最新的报告流程来跟上全球监管产出的步伐, 控制, 系统和治理. Firms that have repeatedly modified their infrastructure in response to new and revised mandates may need a top-to-bottom overhaul if they are to manage regulatory reporting risk in a cost-efficient manner. 存 can help firms analyze their infrastructure performance and data quality and assist them in evaluating whether certain enhancements or redesigns are warranted.

Firms can leverage 存 咨询服务 to gain a better big picture understanding of where opportunities may lie to align transaction reporting and control frameworks with the global trend toward regulatory standardization. 存咨询团队可以帮助公司进行战略评估以及协助战术项目, 比如简化数据集, 升级与附属品和唯一标识符相关的数据元素来源, 设计新的或升级现有的性能和数据质量监测系统.

当今全球贸易报告面临的巨大挑战需要全面的解决方案. 通过与存合作, 企业将有机会获得各种各样的工具和服务,以帮助应对这些挑战.



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