

DTCC连线人员| 2020年8月10日

DTCC is committed to addressing diversity and inclusion in engaging stakeholder in conversations that will bring positive change. 作为这一承诺的一部分, 7月14日,DTCC启动了首个演讲系列, titled The Role of 多元化和包容性 in Tampa’s Economic Development.

你可以在这里观看整个小组讨论 演讲者系列:坦帕2020年7月14日.

在就职演讲系列中, 坦帕市的市政领导人同意这一点, 虽然种族不公正和不平等的问题并不新鲜, the prospects for addressing them successfully are different now because of people’s willingness to listen to and learn from varied points of view and commit to working for positive change.

在由Marie Chinnici-Everitt主持的在线活动中, DTCC Managing Director and Chief Marketing Officer and Regional Head of DTCC Tampa, panelists focused on lessons for the development of underserved communities that we can learn from today’s unique crisis -- the convergence of pandemic and social unrest provoked by the police killing of George Floyd. Panel members included Tampa Mayor and former Tampa Police Chief Jane Castor, 喂饱坦帕湾总裁兼首席执行官托马斯·曼茨, 坦帕湾经济发展委员会主席兼首席执行官克雷格·理查德, and DTCC Managing Director and Head of Diverse Talent Management and Advancement Keisha Bell.

“DTCC主办了这次活动,Chinnici-Everitt解释道, “because we believe it’s important as a company to partner with community leaders in fostering dialogue on issues that are important to all of us -- employees, 我们想要雇佣的人, DTCC之外的人——并推动积极的变化.”


请分享她对当前事件影响的看法, Mayor Castor said it has reinforced what her 30-year tenure in the local police department taught her: to listen to everyone’s point of view and how the crisis is affecting them. “Having that input and dialogue is critical to making informed decisions you believe are best for the community.”

对理查德来说,这场危机证明了“D&它在经济发展中不再是一件好事. It’s a must-have for communities to be competitive and companies to be profitable.” He said talent -- the quantity of available talent and of qualified diverse talent – is the number-one criterion companies are using when they decide whether to expand in or relocate to a particular city. “对坦帕来说,这意味着我们必须从D开始&我想要成功,”他补充道.

With black and brown employees affected differently from others in the company by the double whammy of COVID-19 and the issues raised by Floyd’s killing, 贝尔分享了DTCC如何改变其D&一、应对策略. “At DTCC, D&这是一个战略性的商业重点。. “2020 was going to be all about recruiting, promoting and retaining women, and 2021 about race. 但我们已经调整并加快了明年的计划, including small-group conversations among black and brown employees about injustices they experience within and outside of their communities.”

Easing the Crisis

Chinnici-Everitt问道,有没有办法缓解当前的危机. Yes, Richard said. “以前也有过抗议,但这次似乎有所不同. 场上有另一支球队, 多元文化团队, that’s willing to look at all the factors that have brought us to this point, 从分区到许可再到信用评分. 这就是建立一个公平的体系所需要的.”

Mantz said organizations like Feeding Tampa Bay are well positioned to contribute to this effort. “We help people move into a place of capability by investing in opportunities rather than just being a social-service giveaway. By creating opportunities, you create equality and a community that’s far more successful.”

“Corporations can invest in organizations like ‘Feeding’ and also in job training and the pipeline of future leaders in the workforce,” said Bell. “This is not philanthropy; it’s an investment. 它需要是一个终生的承诺.”


Chinnici-Everitt asked Bell to relate how the pandemic and the renewed focus on racial inequality are influencing discussions at DTCC around D&I. Because incidents of police harassment may be familiar only to black and brown employees, “我们决定通过诚实的对话来扩大意识,” Bell said. “For instance, I wrote a blog post that described the duality of being a black person in corporate America and having to cover when you leave the office and the issues you confront, 比如处理警察和收入差距问题.”

DTCC还开始与黑人和棕色人种的男性员工进行对话, 让他们面对的问题和处境浮出水面, followed by conversations with Black and Brown women at the company to learn how they talk to their children about inequality. The goal, Bell explained, was to give colleagues context and help allies understand where these employees are coming from before allies can begin the work of being an upstander for racial equality.

In city government, Mayor Castor said, “the Floyd killing has brought up uncomfortable conversations. But we have to have them if we’re going to understand the need for change. All the anger and energy that’s been stirred up can go into addressing systemic problems we have in the educational system and the access to affordable housing, for instance.”

Mantz said Feeding Tampa Bay had retained an outside company to help foster in-depth conversations among employees. “我们听得越深, 就越痛苦, 我们越团结,这些问题就越需要得到解决,” he said. “There is a lot of angst and upset now because people who have been marginalized are saying things aren’t okay. 让我们利用它,让它变得有意识和有影响力.”

“在弗洛伊德被杀之后, I felt compelled in my role and as a black man to talk about how this incident impacted me,” said Richard, 所以我给董事会写了一封信, 投资者及其他持份者.” The positive response he got made him feel that “this time is different. 最后,人们乐于接受这个信息.”

Richard added that a community development initiative the EDC had put on hold due to the pandemic has been reinstated. “在抗议活动开始后的第一次执行委员会会议上, 我们说过不能再拖了, we need to assure prosperity is received in every corner of our community. This project will show investors the investment opportunities available in overlooked neighborhoods, 这会给那里带来工作机会吗.”

An audience member asked how panel members can play a role in shifting entrenched attitudes away from ignorance.

“Hate comes from a lack of information, so you do what you can,” said Mayor Castor. 通过使你的组织或社交圈多样化, you open yourself up to education and seeing the world from different points of view. 这是我们每个人义不容辞的责任, 在我们的个人和专业圈子里, 向其他人展示他们是这些群体中有价值的成员. 这是我们必须做出积极改变的一个机会.”



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